Booking by appointment only 


Bath and groom  (smooth coated dogs)

Shampoo and conditioner hydrobath

Blow dry

Full body brush and de-shed

Nail trim

Ear clean

eg: greyhounds, beagles, staffies, smooth coated terriers, etc 

Full  groom  (doggy haircut)

Shampoo and conditioner hydrobath

Blow dry

Full body brush

Full or partial body clip

Tidy up — face, feet, armpits, groin area

Nail trim

Ear clean

Breed specific grooms available

eg: poodles, maltese, schnauzers, spaniels, etc

Bath and groom (double coated or longer coated dogs)

Shampoo and conditioner hydrobath

Blow dry

Full body brush and de-shed

Undercoat removal (as required)

Nail trim

Ear clean

Tidy up — face, feet, armpits, groin area (as required)

eg: long haired chihuahuas, golden retrievers, collies, huskies, akitas, etc

Other servives

Bath and Tidy (suitable for maintaining dogs' long coats between full clips)

Puppy introduction sessions

Nail trim

Special Greyhound grooming rate

Please contact me directly regarding price


The odd tangle or knot in your pets hair is often unavoidable, and I am happy to brush small knots out. If however your dog is severely matted and tangled it can be very hard to get these knots out without causing pain, discomfort and stress to your dog.

Matting in your dog's hair can be a serious issue because not only can it cause your dog a great deal of discomfort, it can lead to significant health issues. A matted coat means that air is unable to circulate through to your pet’s skin, which can very quickly lead to skin irritations and serious, painful infections. Working in the pet care industry and as a groomer I have seen first hand the health consequences that can arise as a result of matted hair, and the suffering these serious conditions can cause to your dog.

When you bring your dog to me I will always be able to assess the extent of matting in your pet’s coat and recommend the required treatment. When severe matting occurs in part or all of your dog's coat, there is only one solution – your dog needs a very short haircut, known as a 'clip-off'.  A clip-off groom involves removing the tightly matted coat from your dog's skin. It is a time-consuming and delicate process, which requires a great deal of skill on behalf of the groomer. Specialised equipment is used to release the matting from your pet’s skin inch by inch. Extreme care must be taken during this process because often the skin beneath the matted coat is very unhealthy. Groomers mostly discover mild to moderate skin conditions or parasites, however on occasion immediate medical attention is required.

Nobody likes having their dog clipped off short, but sometimes it is unavoidable. The good news is that hair grows back, and I am happy to work with you and teach you how to brush your dog at home so we can avoid a matted coat in the future. Together with regular brushing at home and regular scheduled grooming appointments we can have your pet's coat looking great.